
时间:2022-06-29 11:52:01 来源:网友投稿

  备战 2021 年高考英语名校地市好题必刷全真模拟卷·3 月卷 第 二 模拟 ( 时间:120 分钟

 满分:120 分) 选择题部分

  第 一 部分

 阅读理解( 共两节,满分 50 分) 第一节(共 共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项 A、B、C 和 D 中,选出最佳选项。

 A (2020·湖南长沙市·长郡中学高三月考)

 School on Wheels School on Wheels provides educational resources for homeless children in Southern California by giving one-on-one weekly tutoring sessions and packing backpacks. Teens from 16-18 years of age can become tutors! Check out the volunteer page. https://www.schoolonwheels.org, for more information. California Science Center The California Science Center offers a variety of volunteer opportunities for teens (the minimum age is 16 years old) and adults. Volunteers join staff members and aid them in educating guests about exhibitions, helping with science fairs, or providing administrative support. Visit the volunteer page, https://californiasciencecenter.org, for more information. LINC Cares LINC Cares offers life-improving services to families, seniors, and people with special needs that live in LINC Housing communities. Activities include after-school and summer programs, health classes, social events, nature outings, and arts and culture activities. Volunteers (the minimum age is 16 years old) can enter any of the diverse range of service opportunities! Find out more information at https://www.linchousing.org.

  LA Regional Food Bank Voluntcers are needed to help sort, inspect, and repackage donated food from local food drives and donations. The minimum age requirement to volunteer is 14 years old. Follow https://www.lafoodbank.org for volunteer opportunities. Proyecto Jardin Situated in Boyle Heights, this urban garden in the community values a sustainable community food system and promotes cross-cultural learning through gardening. Volunteers do not need to be experts, but must be above the age of 16. Volunteers can join programs focused on farming, participating in community service, and sharing knowledge of food sustainability. Visit http://proyectojardin. org for more information. 1.What can be learned about School on Wheels? A.It needs experienced teachers. B.It provides classroom teaching. C.It looks for volunteers above 18 years old. D.It helps poor children with their studies. 2.Where can a 15-year-old find a volunteer position? A.At http://proyectojardin. org. B.At https://www.linchousing.org. C.At https://www. lafoodbank. org. D.At hitps : //californiasciencecenter. org. 3.Which appeals to food sustainability advocators? A.LINC Cares. B.Proyecto Jardin. C.California Science Center.

  D.LA Regional Food Bank.

  B (2021·山东高三一模)

 When you are having dinner, do you eat up all the food on your plate or have some leftover? According to the UN, 1. 3 billion tons of food is wasted around the world every year. That’s about one-third of all food produced each year.

 We make a survey in 34 countries to see how much food is wasted in different countries. For example, the UAE(阿联酋) wastes the most food, with each person wasting about 1,000 kilos every year on average. However, some countries have worked hard to use their foo resources wisely. France wastes the least amount of food, according to the survey.

 France was the first country to pass laws that stop food waste. It’s not allowed to throw away fresh food. Another law forces French restaurants to provide bags for people"s leftovers(剩菜剩饭).

 China ranked 23rd for food waste in the survey. China"s food waste is around 18 million tons every year, enough to feed up to 50 million people for one year. Facing this situation, China has been working hard to reduce food waste. Since early 2013, a movement to prevent food waste called “empty plate” has begun. It has become popular among both government officials and general public. 4.How much food is produced every year around the world? A.1, 000 kilograms. B.Nearly 4 billion tons. C.About 1. 3 billion tons. D.More than 34, 000 kilograms. 5.According to the survey, which country wastes the least amount of food? A.France. B.China. C.The United States. D.The UAE. 6.To deal with food waste, China____________ A.produces less food each year B.passed laws to ban food waste

  C.buys more food from other countries D.started a movement called "empty plate" 7.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT TRUE? A.UAE wastes the most food. B.You can throw away fresh food in France. C.China has been working hard to reduce food waste. D.1.3 bilii tons of food is wasted around the world every year. 8.What does the story mainly talk about? A.Developed countries waste more food. B.How much food the world needs every year. C.Empty plate" has become popular worldwide. D.A survey about food waste in different countries.

  C (2021·浙江高三)

 A bunch of brilliant yellow flowers was dedicated to my mother.She was amazed at its shape and something strange but eventually lost passion. It didn’t matter a lot that the stems felt sticky or that both my parents cursed(诅咒)

 the presence of these flowers in the lawn. I thought they were gorgeous! And there were a ocean of them! We spent hours picking the flowers and then popping the blossoms off with a snap of our fingers. But the supply of dandelions (蒲公英) never ran out. My father or brothers would cut off all the heads with the lawnmower (割草机) at least once a week, but that didn"t stop these hardy wonders. And for those flowers that escaped the honor of being hand-delivered to my mother or the miserable destiny to be killed by the lawnmower, there was another level of existence. The soft roundness of a dandelion gone to seed caused endless laughter of delight as we unconsciously(无意识地)

 spread this flower across the yard.

  As I worked in my garden last week, pulling unwanted weeds(野草)out of the space that would become a haven(避风港)

 for tomatoes, corn, peas and sunflowers, I again marveled at the flower that some call a weed. And I thought, I hope I had the staying power of a dandelion. If only I could stretch my roots so deep and straight that something tugging on my stem couldn’t separate me completely from the source that feeds me life. If only I could come back to face the world with a bright, sunshiny face after someone has run me over with a lawnmower or worse, purposely attacked me in an attempt to destroy me. If only I could spread love and encouragement as freely and fully as this flower spreads seeds of itself. The lawns at my parents" home are now beautiful green blankets. The only patches of color come from well-placed, well-controlled flowerbeds. Chemicals have managed to kill what human interference couldn’t. I hope you and I can be different. I hope that we can stretch our roots deep enough that the strongest poison can"t reach our souls. I hope that we can overcome the poisons of anger, fear, hate, criticism and competitiveness. 9.The author’s parents probably viewed the dandelions in the lawn as ________. A.supplies of seeds B.beautiful wonders C.unwanted weeds D.inspiring colors 10.What does the author mean by “another level of existence” in paragraph 3? A.The flowers were meant as a joyful gift to her mother. B.The flowers developed into a stronger species because of frequent mowing. C.The flowers were tough enough to spread new lives themselves. D.The flowers that some called a weed were difficult to recover. 11.What can we learn from the article? A.The author’s family enjoyed the dandelions as much as she did. B.The author purposefully replaced some dandelions with crops. C.The dandelions were finally successfully removed from the lawn.

  D.The author felt sorry but encouraged by the destiny of the dandelions. 12.Through the article, the author mainly wants to ________. A.share the inspirations she acquired from the plain dandelions B.arouse public awareness to pay close attention to the beauty in life C.show the importance of considering things from diverse angles D.express the regret that few people could figure out the beauty of the dandelion

 D (2020·浙江高三月考)

 Most cities were built on rivers. People originally settled in Paris because of the Seine, and in London for the Thames. A third of New York City"s surface area is water. For centuries, city folk used rivers for shipping, wastes, fishing and play. The Industrial Revolution ruined rivers for more than a century. Huge new urban populations overwhelmed them with the pollution from wastes, factories and ships. In recent decades, rivers lost their industrial function and cities began cleaning them up. The Thames is now the cleanest it has been in 150 years and proud of seals and the occasional whale, sometimes alive. In cities from Chicago to provincial China, dirty riverside warehouses have been turned into restaurants and apartments. But rivers also need to regain their original purpose as transport centers. Cities are shifting more traffic back to the river—but this time cleanly and silently, using the coming generation of electric ferries. Ferries already transport 2.1 billion passengers a year. Numbers have been rising in San Francisco, New York and Sydney, while London plans to double its annual total of riders to 20 million by 2035. Imagine using the huge capacity of shipping to take delivery trucks off the roads. One of the newer Thames boat with a capacity of 1,750 tons can replace 44 large trucks. Even without being electric-powered, it uses much less energy per ton and causes less noise pollution. In other words, we need to tum truck drivers into boat captains. Delivery companies will need to build new distribution centres on cheap riverside land. When their boats stop at the

  new downtown wharves, electric cargo bikes will deliver packages the last mile. Boat-to-bike is more complicated than delivery by truck, because it adds a stage. You might have to pay more to get your parcels the same day. As for the advantage, it will unblock city centres. Rivers are the reason our cities are where they are. We just forgot about them. 13.Why is the Thames mentioned in paragraph 3? A.To praise the efforts of the government. B.To explain the current healthy ecosystem. C.To stress the importance of the Industrial Revolution. D.To show the return of some rivers" original conditions. 14.What"s the advantage of boat-to-bike delivery? A.It cleans up the rivers. B.It speeds up the delivery. C.It is likely to reduce the cost. D.It eases the pressure of traffic. 15.Which is the following may the author agree with? A.Boat-to-bike delivery is too complex to make. B.Rivers should serve as the transport center like before. C.London has doubled its number of electric-bike riders. D.The cleanups of the river put an end to its industrial function.

  第二节(共 共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

 (2021·湖北孝感市·孝感高中高三月考)Tips of travelling cheaply Thinking about an overseas trip but concerning you might make a less worthy choice

  because you can’t afford to visit all the places on your wish list before you make your final decision? 16.

 With a dash of wit, you can travel the world cheaply. 17. Walk on the streets of a city, stop and chat with a local, or even climb to the top of a hill and

 watch the sun set over the ocean. The simple joy of being in a new place is just a matter of going someplace new. No tour package required. Keep your needs to a minimum .People need fresh air, exercise, creative stimulation, companionship and self-esteem, etc. 18. For fresh air, go outside. For exercise, take a walk. For creative stimulation, go somewhere new. For companionship, make a friend. For self-esteem, turn off your TV, breathe deep and open your spirit to the basic goodness of the world. Go slow. If you live in New York and want to take a two-week vacation to Africa, it will be very difficult to travel for free. Time is not money. Time is free. Instead of buying a place ticket, take a train or bus, or just hop on your bike and ride away from town. 19. Try to get your accommodation for free or next-to-nothing. Find kind souls around the world who agree to offer an extra bedroom, couch,or corner of the floor to travelers in exchange for the same kindness when they visit your town. 20. It works best if your home is in a locale someone wants to visit and if your dates coincide. A.Embrace the simple joy of travel. B.The slower you travel, the less money you will spend. C.Things like air and water are much cheaper once you get outside. D.All of these things are simple to obtain and most of them are free. E.Just because you "ve little money doesn"t mean you have to stay at home . F.This scheme involves trading homes for an agreed–upon amount of time. G.If you can do what needs to be done around the house, then you stay for free.


 语言知识运用( 共两节,满分 30 分)

  第一节(共 共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。


 Lots of kids set up lemonade stands in the summer. For many, it’s a first step toward learning what it means to


 your own money. For 11-year-old Cartier Carey, it was a


 to do a lot more. That’s because Carey isn’t using his


 to open a first savings account. Instead, he’s


 it back into his community. His goal is to help single mothers in need. With all the stress and


 uncertainty brought on by the pandemic, Carey decided to focus on the basics: diapers and wipes. The idea for the project


 while Carey was visiting his grandmother who lives in one of the area’s more economically depressed neighborhoods. Carey, who is keenly observant for his age, was


 by how many women he observed raising children on their own. By the end of July, Carey had raised close to $5,000 via the lemonade stand and from donations, and


 about 6,500 diapers. As of September, at 22,000 diapers, he’s


 to achieving his total goal of 25,000. But the generous 11-year-old is no


 to worthy causes. Before becoming a “lemonade mogul”, Carey launched another community


 titled “Carti packs”—care packages for the homeless that


 such essentials as deodorant, soap, tissue, and even hand-warmers for when the weather got


  . Carey says his greatest


 comes from knowing he’s made a difference and seeing how much his efforts have meant to the people he tries to


  . 21.A.earn B.save C.spend D.control 22.A.risk B.chance C.course D.mission 23.A.stand B.profit C.fortune D.wisdom 24.A.investing B.holding C.lending D.drawing 25.A.political B.mental C.financial D.commercial

  26.A.took effect B.took root C.made room D.made sense 27.A.delighted B.disappointed C.relaxed D.shocked 28.A.distributed B.sold C.selected D.produced 29.A.loyal B.used C.equal D.close 30.A.relief B.stranger C.truth D.use 31.A.career B.research C.initiative D.investigation 32.A.returned B.employed C.boosted D.contained 33.A.fine B.stormy C.cold D.favorable 34.A.joy B.hope C.effort D.contribution 35.A.please B.ignore C.identify D.serve

  非选择题部分 第三部分

 语言知识运用( 共两节,满分 30 分) 第二节(共 共 10 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式 (2020·浙江高三月考)

 Writing, like so many inventions, came about by accident. About 6,000 years ago in Mesopotamia, 36. group of people known as the Sumerians created a new way of keeping track of trade. They made clay tokens(陶土币)37. (shape) like animals, jars and other goods, and recorded deals 38. covering the tokens up in clay envelopes. Once they"d closed the envelope, they could no longer see 39. was inside it. By about 3100 BC, the envelopes 40. (turn) into simple squares of clay recording deals in symbols. At first, the Sumerians used simplified pictures. To speed things up, they stopped picturing real things on the clay, which allowed true writing. There were some 41. (problem)

  with writing in this way. Every time a word 42. (invent), someone had to invent a new mark. The Sumerians handled this problem by using words they could picture 43. (represent) words they couldn"t. Today, people in China still use a similar system, 44. they developed it independently perhaps about 3,500 years ago. Besides, they use 45. (complete) different symbols. Anyway, the Sumerians were the first to write. Without writing, there would be no history.


 写作( 共两节,满分 40 分) 第一节 、提纲类作文分 (满分 15 分 分)


 (2021·山东高三月考)假定你是李华,上周日你校举办了主题为“Know more about China”的英语演讲比赛。请你为校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括:

 1.时间和地点; 2.比赛的过程; 3.比赛的意义。

 注意: 1.写作词数应为 80 左右; 2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

 An English Speech Contest ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  第二节 、读后续写分 (满分 25 分 分)


 (2021·福建省福州第一中学高三期末)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

 My best friend"s mother was a social worker in Detroit, Michigan.

 Because of that, my friend Victoria and I were introduced early to the world of volunteering. We did plenty of charity(慈善) work.

 We always had a good time, and continued to volunteer whenever we had time, often even when we didn"t.

 It became second nature.

 Hairstyles came and went, but Victoria and I found places to donate our time because that"s how we were raised. One particular morning we signed up for "Paint the Town",an organization in Detroit to help lowincome homeowners clean their houses.

 We were assigned(分配) a dilapidated(破烂的) house in one of the worst communities of the city.

 I was afraid as we got near to the front door, not knowing who we would find on the other side.

 We knocked three times quickly and stepped back, waiting to be let in. When the door opened, my mouth did, too.

 Standing there was a little old lady with wisps(一束) of white hair and a purple apron(围裙) tied around her waist. "Hello" she said, "I"m Amelia.

 Please come in and I will show you where to start."Her smile shone brightly.

 “I am just baking some cookies for you girls to eat.”

 As she led us to the parts of her house that needed painting, my heart softened.

 Here was one of the scariest looking houses in the city, but behind its doors was a sweet old lady with a cane and a big smile. Here we were coming to help her, and instead she was doing something for us—baking homemade cookies and serving us tea! 注意:(1)续写词数应为 150 左右;


 There was no age barrier that day as we worked on Amelia"s house. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

 ________________________________________________________________ “Nonsense!” she criticized(批评). ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  1.D2.C3.B 【分析】


 1. 细节理解题。根据 School on Wheels 部分关键句“School on Wheels provides educational resources for homeless children in Southern California by giving one-on-one weekly tutoring sessions and packing backpacks.”(School on Wheels 为南加州无家可归的儿童提供教育资源,每周提供一对一的辅导课程和捐赠学习用品。)可知,School on Wheels 帮助贫困儿童学习。故选 D 项。

 2. 细节理解题。根据 LA Regional Food Bank 部分关键句“The minimum age requirement to volunteer is 14 years old.”(志愿者的最低年龄要求是 14 岁。)和“Follow https://www.lafoodbank.org for volunteer opportunities.”(查询 https://www.lafoodbank.org 获取更多的志愿者机会。)可知,LA Regional Food Bank 项目的志愿者的最低年龄要求是 14 岁,可以通过 https://www.lafoodbank.org 获取更多的志愿者机会。由此可推断出,一个 15岁的孩子在 https://www.lafoodbank.org 可以找到一个志愿者职位。故选 C 项。

 3. 细节理解题。根据 Proyecto Jardin 部分关键句“Volunteers can join programs focused on farming, participating in community service, and sharing knowledge of food sustainability”(志愿者可以参加以农业为重点的项目,参与社区服务,分享食物可持续性的知识。)可知,Proyecto Jardin 项内容和食物可持续性有关。由此可推断出,Proyecto Jardin 对食品可持续性倡导者有吸引力。故选 B 项。

  4.B5.A6.D7.B8.D 【分析】


 4. 细节理解题。由文章第一段“When you are having dinner, do you eat up all the food on your plate or have some leftover? According to the UN, 1. 3 billion tons of food is wasted around the world every year. That’s about one-third of all food produced each year. (当你吃晚饭的时候,你是把盘子里的食物都吃光了还是还有一些剩下的?根据联合国,每年全世界有 13 亿吨食物被浪费。这相当于每年粮食产量的三分之一)”可知,每年全球的粮食产量为(13*3)39 亿吨,也就是接近 40 亿吨。故选 B 项。

 5. 细节理解题。由文章第二段“France wastes the least amount of food, according to the survey.(调查显示,法国人浪费的食物最少)”可知,法国是浪费食物最少的国家。故选 A 项。

 6. 细节理解题。由文章最后一段“China has been working hard to reduce food waste. Since early 2013, a movement to prevent food waste called “empty plate” has begun.(中国一直在努力减少食物浪费。从 2013 年初开始,一项防止食物浪费的“光盘”运动开始了)”可知,为了处理食物浪费问题,中国采取了“光盘”行动。故选 D 项。

 7. 细节理解题。由文章第三段“France was the first country to pass laws that stop food waste. It’s not allowed to throw away fresh food. Another law forces French restaurants to provide bags for people"s leftovers (法国是第一个通过法律制止食物浪费的国家。不允许扔掉新鲜的食物。另一项法律要求法国餐馆为人们的剩菜提供袋子)”可知,在法国是不允许扔掉新鲜的食物的,B 项表述错误。故选 B 项。

 8. 主旨大意题。由文章第二段“We make a survey in 34 countries to see how much food is wasted in different countries.(我们在 34 个国家做了一项调查,看看不同国家有多少食物被浪费)”以及下文列举的不同国家浪费食物的情况可知,本文的主要内容是关于不同国家的食物浪费的调查。故选 D 项。

  9.C10.C11.D12.A 【分析】


 9. 细节理解题。根据第一段“It didn’t matter a lot that the stems felt sticky or that both my parents cursed(诅咒)


 presence of these flowers in the lawn.”(不管这些茎粘粘的还是我的父母诅咒这些出现在草坪上的花,这些都不重要。)可知,作者的父母是不喜欢蒲公英的,他们认为这是杂草,他们不想要。故选 C。

 10. 词句猜测题。根据第二段最后一句“…but that didn"t stop these hardy wonders.”(但是那并不能阻止这些勇敢的奇迹。)以及第三段开头“And for those flowers that escaped the honor of being hand-delivered to my mother or the miserable destiny to be killed by the lawnmower…”(并且对于那些有幸从我妈妈的手中或者被割草机杀死的悲惨命运中逃脱的花……)可知,下文划横线部分是指这些没有被杀死的蒲公英会再创生命的奇迹,即这些花很顽强,能自己传播新的生命。故选 C。

 11. 推理判断题。根据最后一段“Chemicals have managed to kill what human interference couldn’t. I hope you and I can be different. I hope that we can stretch our roots deep enough that the strongest poison can"t reach our souls. I hope that we can overcome the poisons of anger, fear, hate, criticism and competitiveness.”(化学药物成功杀死了人为干扰所不能的。我希望我们能有所不同。我希望我们的根能扎的足够深这样的话最烈的毒药也不能侵蚀我们的灵魂。我希望我们能战胜愤怒、恐惧、仇恨、批评和竞争的毒药。)可知,作者对于蒲公英被杀死感到抱歉,但同时也从蒲公英的命运中受到的鼓舞。故选 D。

 12. 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段第一句“I hope I had the staying power of a dandelion.”(我希望自己有蒲公英般的耐力。)以及最后一段“I hope that we can stretch our roots deep enough that the strongest poison can"t reach our souls. I hope that we can overcome the poisons of anger, fear, hate, criticism and competitiveness.”(我希望我们的根能扎的足够深这样的话最烈的毒药也不能侵蚀我们的灵魂。我希望我们能战胜愤怒、恐惧、仇恨、批评和竞争的毒药。)可知,作者想通过这篇文章跟读者分享自己从蒲公英身上获得的感悟。故选 A。

  13.D14.D15.B 【分析】


 13. 推理判断题。根据第三段中“In recent decades, rivers lost their industrial function and cities began cleaning them

 up. The Thames is now the cleanest it has been in 150 years and proud of seals and the occasional whale, sometimes alive. (近几十年来,河流失去了工业功能,城市开始清理它们。泰晤士河现在是 150 年来最干净的一次,以海豹和偶尔出现的鲸鱼——有时是活着的——而自豪。)”可推知,第三段中提到泰晤士河是为了显示一些河流的原始状态的恢复。故选 D。

 14. 细节理解题。根据最后一段中“Boat-to-bike is more complicated than delivery by truck, because it adds a stage. You might have to pay more to get your parcels the same day. As for the advantage, it will unblock city centres. (乘船到自行车比用卡车运送要复杂得多,因为它增加了一个阶段。要在同一天收到包裹,你可能要多付钱。至于优势,它将解放城市中心)”可知,用“船到自行车”送货的好处是缓解了交通压力。故选 D。

 15. 推理判断题。根据第四段中“But rivers also need to regain their original purpose as transport centers. Cities are shifting more traffic back to the river—but this time cleanly and silently, using the coming generation of electric ferries. (但河流也需要恢复其作为运输中心的初衷。城市正在将更多的交通转移到河上,但这一次使用的是新一代的电动轮渡,清洁而安静)”;倒数第三段中“Even without being electric-powered, it uses much less energy per ton and causes less noise pollution.(即使不使用电力,每吨消耗的能源也少得多,造成的噪音污染也少得多)”以及最后一段中“Rivers are the reason our cities are where they are. (河流是我们城市存在的原因)”可推知,作者会同意 B 选项“河流应该像以前一样成为交通中心”的观点。故选 B。

  16.E17.A18.19.B20.F 【分析】


 16. 根据上文 “Thinking about an overseas trip but concerning you might make a less worthy choice because you can’t afford to visit all the places on your wish list before you make your final decision? ”(考虑出国旅行,但顾虑到在你做出最后决定之前,你没有能力去参观你愿望清单上的所有地方,你可能会做出一个不太值得的选择?)再结合后文 “With a dash of wit, you can travel the world cheaply ”(用一点独创性,你可以便宜地环游世界)可知,设空句属于过渡句,结合上文提到负担不起游览所有的地方,后文则提到可以便宜地环游世界,可知缺钱不一定会影响你的旅行计划符合题意。故 E 选项意为缺钱并不一定意味着你必须呆在家里,符合语境,故选 E。

 17. 根据后文 “Walk on the streets of a city, stop and chat with a local, or even climb to the top of a hill and

 watch the sun set over the ocean. The simple joy of being in a new place is just a matter of going someplace new. No tour package required. ”(走在城市的街道上,停下来和当地人聊天,甚至爬到山顶看太阳在海上落下。身在一个新地方的简单快乐,其实就是去一个新的地方。不需要旅行团)。可知,本段主要说明的是享受旅行中简单的快乐,后文中“The simple joy”与 A 选项中“the simple joy”相对应。故 A 选项“拥抱旅行中简单的快乐”符合语境,故选 A。

 18. 根据上文“People need fresh air, exercise, creative stimulation, companionship and self-esteem, etc.”(人们需要新鲜的空气、锻炼、创造性的刺激、友谊和自尊等等)可知,本句总结上文,对上文提到的新鲜的空气、锻炼、创造性的刺激、友谊和自尊这些东西进行总结,D选项中的 All of these things 指代的就是上文提到的 fresh air, exercise, creative stimulation, companionship and self-esteem, etc,故 D 选项“所有这些东西都很容易获得,而且大部分都是免费的”符合语境,故选 D。

 19. 根据上文“Go slow. If you live in New York and want to take a two-week vacation to Africa, it will be very difficult to travel for free. Time is not money. Time is free. Instead of buying a place ticket, take a train or bus, or just hop on your bike and ride away from town.”(慢下来。如果你住在纽约,想用两周的假期去非洲旅行,要免费旅行是很难的。时间不是金钱。时间是免费的。与其买飞机票,不如坐火车或公共汽车,或者干脆骑自行车离开城镇)可知,设空句为本段最后一句,总结全段,结合本段主要说明得是慢一些旅行,上文中“slow”可与 B选项中“The slower”相对应。故 B 选项“你走得越慢,你花的钱就越少”符合语境,故选 B。

 20. 根据上文“Try to get your accommodation for free or next-to-nothing. Find kind souls around the world who agree to offer an extra bedroom, couch,or corner of the floor to travelers in exchange for the same kindness when they visit your town.”(尽量免费或几乎不花钱就得到你的住宿。在世界各地寻找善良的人,他们愿意为旅行者提供卧室、沙发或地板角落作为交换,当他们去参观你的城市时,你也会有同样的善举)。以及后文“It works best if your home is in a locale someone wants to visit and if your dates coincide.”(如果你的家在别人想去的地方,而且你们的约定时间正好吻合,那就最好了)可知,本段主要说明的是旅行中的住宿问题,结合后文提到你的家在别人想去的地方,可推知本句是在提议交换住宿。故 F 选项意为这个计划包括在商定的时间内交换住宿,符合语境,故选 F。

 21.A22.B23.B24.A25.C26.B27.D28.A29.D30.B31.C32.D33.C34.A35.D 【分析】

 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述的是小男孩卡地亚·凯里(Cartier Carey)通过自己的努力赚到的钱和募捐筹集的资金,为社区单亲妈妈送来尿布和湿巾等物品,服务他人回报社会的事情,并且凯里并不是第一次做这样有意义的事情了,帮助他人带来的快乐和意义重大非凡。

 21. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:对很多人来说,这是学习自己挣钱的第一步。A. earn 赚,获得;B. save 节约,拯救,保存;C. spend 花费;D. control 控制。根据前一句“Lots of kids set up lemonade stands in the summer. (夏天很多孩子摆起了柠檬水小摊。)”和 money 可知他们卖东西是为了赚钱,这是他们学习“赚钱”的第一步,故选 A 项。

 22. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:对于 11 岁的卡地亚·凯里(Cartier Carey)来说,这是一个做更多事情的机会。A. risk 风险;B. chance 机会;C. course 课程;D. mission 使命。根据下文“Instead, he’s


 it back into his community. His goal is to help single mothers in need.(相反,他把钱投回了他的社区。他的目标是帮助有需要的单身母亲。)”可知对于凯里来说这是一个做更多事情的机会,故选 B 项。

 23. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:那是因为凯里没有把赚到的钱用来开第一个储蓄账户。A. stand 立场,站台;B. profit 利润,利益;C. fortune 财富;D. wisdom 智慧。根据下文“Instead, he’s


 it back into his community. His goal is to help single mothers in need.(相反,他把钱投回了他的社区。他的目标是帮助有需要的单身母亲。)”可知他把赚到的钱(利润)用于投资回报社区了,而不是储存起来,故选 B 项。

 24. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:相反,他把钱投回了他的社区。A. investing 投资,投入;B. holding 持有,召开;C. lending 借;D. drawing 画。根据下文“With all the stress and


 uncertainty brought on by the pandemic, Carey decided to focus on the basics: diapers and wipes.(面对疫情带来的压力和经济不确定性,凯里决定把重点放在最基本的东西上 :尿布和湿巾。)”可知凯里将他的钱投入到社区里,重点是:尿布和湿巾。故选 A 项。

 25. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:面对疫情带来的压力和经济不确定性,凯里决定把重点放在最基本的东西上:

 尿布和湿巾。A. political 政治的;B. mental 精神的;C. financial 经济的 D. commercial 商业的。根据句意可知凯里的重点在于尿布和湿巾,旨在帮助有需要的单亲妈妈,单亲妈妈相对来说缺钱,全文讲述的是钱,所以和疫情带来的压力并列的是“经济的不确定性”,故选 C 项。

 26. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:这个项目的想法是在凯里拜访他的祖母时生根的,他的祖母住在这个地区的一个经济比较萧条的社区。A. took effect 生效;B. took root 生根;C. made room 腾空间;D. made sense 有影响,合理。根据句可知,此处是指这个项目想法的“起源”,所以是“took root 生根”,故选 B 项。

 27. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:凯里,在他这个年龄敏锐的观察力,被他所观察到的那么多独自抚养孩子的妇女所震惊。A. delighted 使......高兴;B. disappointed 使......失望;C. relaxed 使......放松;D. shocked 使......震惊。根据凯里帮助单亲妈妈的做法可知,他被单亲妈妈这个群体和现状所“震惊”,故选 D 项。

 28. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:到 7 月底,凯里已经通过柠檬水摊和募捐筹集了近 5000 美元,分发了大约 6500块尿布。A. distributed 分配,分发;B. sold 出售;C. selected 挑选;D. produced 生产。由前文可知凯里的目标是帮助单亲妈妈,所以是通过赚钱和募捐的钱用于购买尿布,并分发给单亲妈妈,故选 A 项。

 29. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:截至今年 9 月,他已经买了 2.2 万个尿布,快要达到 2.5 万个的目标了。A. loyal 忠诚的;B. used 习惯的,用过的;C. equal 平等的;D. close 接近的。由 2.2 万个尿布可知是“接近”2.5 万个尿布的目标了,故选 D 项。

 30. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:但是,这个慷慨的 11 岁孩子对有价值的事业并不陌生。A. relief 减轻,释放;B. stranger 陌生人;C. truth 真理;D. use 使用,用途。根据下文“Befor...

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