
时间:2022-06-22 10:28:02 来源:网友投稿

  第 8 篇


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 交通工具- 司机- 乘客 1.1

 an eggbeater;

  a whirlybird 【英语解释】a helicopter 【中文解释】直升机 We bought Mother an electric mixer, but she seems to prefer her old eggbeater. Fred pilots an eggbeater for an oil company. Have you ever ridden in a whirlybird? Jack is a whirlybird pilot.


 an air shuttle 【英语解释】an plane between two places 【中文解释】区间飞机 Is there an air shuttle from Boston to New York? I Took the air shuttle between San Francisco and Oakland airports.



 red-eye flight [AmE] 【英语解释】a flight in a plane at night, on which you cannot get enough sleep 【中文解释】夜间航班,红眼航班 We took the red-eye to Boston. He’s travelling on the red-eye from New York.


 a crash wagon 【英语解释】an ambulance in an airport 【中文解释】飞机场急救车 A crash wagon was standing by when the damaged plane landed.


 a bucket of bolts;

  a rattletrap 【英语解释】an old vehicle in poor condition 【中文解释】破旧的汽车 We’ve got to get rid of this bucket of bolts and buy a new car. I wouldn’t fly in Ned’s plane if I were you. It’s nothing but a bucket of bolts.

 I hope this old rattletrap will get us to New York.

 The whole neighbourhood knows when Chet gets home. You can hear his rattletrap coming a mile away.

 If you want a boat, don’t buy that rattletrap. Know a better one you can et even cheaper. Let’s get rid of this rattletrap of a washing machine and buy a new one.


 a paddy wagon [AmE] 【英语解释】a police vehicle 【中文解释】囚车,警车 Since the two drunks wouldn’t stop fighting, the policeman decided he had no choice but to call the paddy wagon.


 a roller coaster 【英语解释】a track with sudden steep slopes and curves 【中文解释】游乐园的滚动飞车,过山车,云霄飞车环滑车 Lois is chicken. She’s afraid to ride the roller coaster.

 Miriam’s moods change so often that living with her is like riding on a roller coaster. The price of gold has been on a real roller coaster recently.


 a gas guzzler 【英语解释】a vehicle that consumes too much gas 【中文解释】耗油大的汽车 Sascha replaced her old gas-guzzler with a modern economy car. During the 1960s and 1970s, U. S. auto companies produced large gas-guzzlers. In these days of high oil prices, Americans are deserting their big gas guzzlers for more fuel-efficient cars.

 This sports car may be small, but it’s a real gas guzzler.

 I’ve got to get rid of this old gas guzzler or I’ll go broke.


 pick-up (truck) AmE] 【英语解释】a small open motor vehicle with low sides, used for carrying goods 【中文解释】皮卡,人货两用车 We used the pick-up to carry the lumber to the building site.


 motor vehicle 【英语解释】a vehicle which is powered by a motor, especially an internal-combustion engine 【中文解释】机动车辆 This road is closed to motor vehicles . 1.11

 horse and buggy;

 horse and carriage 【英语解释】a carriage pulled by a horse, as opposed to a modern automobile 【中文解释】马车 That kind of clothing went out with the horse and buggy.

 I thought suspenders went out with the horse and carriage, but I see them everywhere now.


 road hog 【英语解释】

 【中文解释】拦路猪,粗心而又自私的司机,占着他人车道的开车人,堵住路使人不得通过的开车人 Look at that road hog driving in the middle of the road and stopping other drivers from passing him. That road hog nearly knocked the children over. He was driving too fast. Get out of the way, you road hog! My grandfather still drives but I’m afraid he’s a bit of a road hog.


 white-van man [BrE] 【英语解释】a man driving a white van in an aggressive way 【中文解释】粗野的货车司机 The government must act before this ‘white van man’ explosion becomes a major hazard on UK roads. Who enjoys driving to work with the constant traffic jams, roadworks and the impatient hooting of white-van man?


 a Sunday driver 【英语解释】


 The roads seem full of Sunday drivers these days. Sorry I’m late. I got stuck behind a Sunday driver for most of the way. Sorry I’m late—I got stuck behind a Sunday driver!


 the jet set;

 jet-setter 【英语解释】the group of very rich and fashionable people who travel a lot, either on business or for pleasure 【中文解释】喷气一族,常乘喷气式飞机旅行的有钱人,空中飞人 She’s really joined the jet set now, skiing in St. Moritz, winter holidays in Barbados, shopping in Paris… His job takes him to New York, Tokyo, Rome and Madrid. He’s a real jet-setter.


 a no-show 【英语解释】

 【中文解释】买了机票而不乘飞机的人 No-shows are a problem for the airlines. Don’t be a no-show.

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 交通工具运行 2.1

 pull away (from sth) 【英语解释】(of a vehicle) start moving; start to drive away from a place where you had stopped; drive more quickly than another vehicle and leave them behind you 【中文解释】(车辆)开动,开始驶离,开走;超越(另一辆车)

 They waved as the bus pulled away. Matt jumped onto the bus just as it was pulling away.

 He jumped onto the bus just as it was pulling away. The thieves steadily pulled away from the police car. Just as I was pulling away from the parking place, another car crashed into mine. A: Quick. You go get the tickets while I park the car.

 B: What’s the rush? The train is pulling away from the station right now.


 pull out 【英语解释】drive onto a road from another road, or after you have stopped at the side 【中文解释】开出以超车 That truck pulled straight out in front of me. We got there just as the train was pulling out.


 pull in/ into 【英语解释】(of a train) arrives at a station; (of a car or a driver) move to the side of the road or to the place mentioned and stop;

 leave the road and drive into a place to park 【中文解释】(火车)进站,到站;(车辆/司机)驶向路边停下;靠岸 She pulled in to let the ambulance pass. The police car signalled to us to pull in. There’s no reason to leave the car in the driveway overnight. It’s better to pull into the garage. As the train pulled in, there was a rush to get seats. Finally the bus pulled in, forty minutes late. Just as the train was pulling in, there was a shout and someone fell onto the track.


 pull out (of) 【英语解释】(of a train) leave a station; (of a car or a driver) move away from the side of the road, etc

 【中文解释】(火车)驶出车站,离/出站;(车辆/司机)驶离路边/驶出;(从另一条路/从路边停靠的地方)开到大路上 A car suddenly pulled out in front of me. Don’t pull out! There’s something coming.


 put in (at);

 put into 【英语解释】(of a boat or its sailors) enter a port 【中文解释】(船/水手)进港,入港 The put in at Lagos for repairs. The ship puts in at Singapore and remains there for a day. The boat put into Sydney for supplies. I rounded the corner, looking for a place to pull in. Jeff parked in front of the house and I pulled in beside him.


 put out (to/ from);

  put (out) to sea 【英语解释】(of a boat or its sailors) leave a port or harbour by ship or boat 【中文解释】(船/水手)离港,起航,出航,离岸,出海 We put out from Liverpool. We put out to sea at high tide.


 set sail (from/ for) 【英语解释】begin a trip by sea 【中文解释】扬帆,启航 We set sail for home. We set sail for France at high tide. The following week the ‘Queen Elizabeth’ set sail for Jamaica. In November 1928, she set sail for India and arrived in Clcutta seven weeks later. This ship sets sail for Japan in two days.

 Thousands of people stood waving on the quay as the Titanic set sail. When do you set sail?


 pull off 【英语解释】(of a vehicle or its driver) leave the road in order to stop for a short time; (of a car) turns into a smaller road or entrance

 【中文解释】驶向路边短暂停车;(车辆)驶离(大路)进入小路/入口 We pulled off the road to get some food. We had to pull the car off the road to change a flat tire.


 push off 【英语解释】move away from the shore in a boat, or from the side of a swimming pool, etc 【中文解释】(船)离岸,离开(游泳池边等)


 pull over 【英语解释】(of a vehicle or its driver) move to the side of the road in order to stop or let sth pass; (of the police) make a vehicle or its driver move to the side of the road

 【中文解释】(车辆/司机)驶向路边,靠边(驾驶);向路边停靠/让车;(警察)令(车辆/司机)停靠路边 The policeman signalled to him to pull over. I hear a noise from the engine area. Pull over so I can check it. The trooper ordered him to pull over. A policeman was standing by the side of the road, signalling to me to pull over. I pulled over and looked at the map. The truck pulled over and a man got out. The police pulled me over and checked my licence. He got pulled over on the way home and had to take a breath test.


 pull up 【英语解释】(of a vehicle or its driver) stop 【中文解释】停车,停止 He pulled up at the traffic lights. Don pulled up at the red lights and we stopped behind him. The car pulled up at the traffic lights. We pulled up at a small cafe just outside Bordeaux. A blue van pulled up behind us. My hat blew away just as the bus pulled up. The car hauled up in front of the house. The attackers hauled up at the city gates.


 draw up 【英语解释】(of a vehicle) arrive at a certain point and stop 【中文解释】到达…处停下,使(车/马等)停住 The car drew up at the gate and three men got out. He drew the horses up only just in time to avoid hitting the child.


 put down [BrE] 【英语解释】stop a vehicle so that passengers can get off at a particular place 【中文解释】停车让(乘客)下来 Just put me down at the gate.


 the right-of-way

 【英语解释】the legal right to occupy a particular space on a public roadway 【中文解释】(交通中)优先通行权,优行权 I had a traffic accident yesterday, but it wasn’t my fault. I had the right-of-way.

 Don’t pull out onto a highway if you don’t have the right-of-way. It was your fault that our cars crashed—I had the right-of-way. Motorists must stop, because those on foot have the right of way at a crossing. When you’re driving, it’s better to yield the right-of-way than to have a wreck. You must always yield the right-of-way when you’re making a left turn. When making a left turn, you must yield the right-of-way to the oncoming car.


 put on (a bus/ train/ coach) [BrE] 【英语解释】provide a bus or train in order to take people somewhere 【中文解释】提供/加开/增开(公共汽车/火车/长途汽车)

 British Rail will be putting on extra trains for football fans.

 The city is putting on extra buses during the summer.


 put/ slam/ jam on the brake(s);

 put the brake(s) on sth;

  apply the brakes 【英语解释】make a vehicle stop or slow down by pressing a pedal or handle 【中文解释】使用刹车,刹住车,踩/拉刹车,猛地刹车 She put on the brakes suddenly. The driver put his brakes on hard as soon as he saw the bus, but he was too late to avoid a crash. Tim slammed on the brakes and skidded to a halt. I slammed on the brakes, skidding to a stop. The car skidded as he jammed on the brakes. As soon as she saw the child in the road, she jammed on her brakes. Why did you jam on the brake so suddenly.


 stop on a dime 【英语解释】brake suddenly and safely

 【中文解释】刹车特别灵,紧急刹车很好使 My new car will stop on a dime. I can stop this car on a dime. This car’ll stop on a dime. This car will stop on a dime.

 A: You shouldn’t follow the car in front so close.

 B: Don’t worry. This car’ll stop on a dime.


 tie up 【英语解释】attach a boat to a fixed object with a rope 【中文解释】(使船只)系泊,停靠 We tied up alongside the quay/ a barge. We tied the boat up.


 double-park 【英语解释】park in the street illegally next to a car that is parked legally along the curb 【中文解释】在街上将车违规地停在合法停泊在车道上的汽车旁边 Frank double-parked in front of the bakery in order to pick up the cake. Double-parking is unavoidable in some American cities where it is too crowded to park legally.


 branch off 【英语解释】(of a road or river) be joined to another road or river but lead in a different direction; (of a person) leave a road or path and travel in a different direction 【中文解释】分开,分岔,分道,改道,转道,离开主线,走入岔道,转入另一条小路上 Just after the lake, the path braches off to the right. a passage branching off from the main tunnel They branched off from the main road and turned down a country lane. Follow the main road to the end, and then take the road that branches off to the right. We’ll have to branch off shortly to get to the village. The car in front of us suddenly branched off to the left. The road to the village branches off on the right.


 turn in;

 turn off 【英语解释】leave a road in order to travel on another 【中文解释】拐弯,转入另一条中,换道,离开公路干线而转上另一条路 I’m sure we should have turned off at the last exist. Gill turned off the A10 and started heading west. We turned off the freeway at Detroit. Is this where we turn off? The jet began to turn off the main runway. turn-off----n. a place where a road leads away from another larger or more important road (岔道,支路)

 We missed the turn-off for/ to the airport. There’s the building. Turn in here and park anywhere you find a spot.


 go/ come (a) round the bend 【英语解释】go around a turn or a curve 【中文解释】拐弯 You’ll see the house you’re looking for as you go around the bend. John waved to his father until the car went round the bend. I saw your car coming a round the bend.


 turn on a dime 【英语解释】make a quick turn;

 turn in a very tight turn 【中文解释】急转弯 This car handles very well. It can turn on a dime.

 The speeding car turned on a dime and headed in the other direction. This car handles very well. It can turn on a dime. The speeding car turned on a dime and headed in the other direction. You should see Ned’s new sports-car. It’ll turn on a dime.


 turn around 【英语解释】reverse the direction of movement 【中文解释】掉头 Hank drove past the highway on-ramp and had to turn around and go back. The delivery person turned the truck around and headed back up the road.


 U-turn 【英语解释】reversal of direction 【中文解释】U 形转弯,反向转弯 In some states it’s legal to make a U-turn across broken double lines in the centre of a street. The officer ticketed the motorist for an illegal U-turn at the intersection.


 make/ take a detour;

  take a roundabout way/ route 【英语解释】go from one place to another to avoid traffic problems


 We took a detour to avoid the town centre. On his way, he makes a detour to Waterloo Bridge. We had to make a detour round the floods. We had to make a detour because of some construction. Why do you take such a roundabout way?


 fender bender: 【英语解释】a small accident 【中文解释】(车辆)剐蹭 Police don’t usually fill out accident reports on small fender benders. The motorists are expected to exchange essential information and contact their insurance companies. There are a lot of fender benders on southern California highways after the first rainstorm of the season, when drivers are not used to wet conditions.


 run/ go aground 【英语解释】(of a ship) becomes stuck in a place where the water is not deep enough 【中文解释】(使…)(船)搁浅,触礁 We were winning the boat race until our boat ran aground on a sandbank. The captain’s own carelessness can ran the boat aground.


 come to (an) anchor;

 drop/ cast anchor 【英语解释】stop sailing and lower the anchor 【中文解释】抛锚停下来,抛锚停航,停靠 We sailed round the coast and came to anchor. They drifted along the coast and came to anchor in a bay. The sailor cast anchor in San Francisco Bay. Drop the anchor when the boat passes the sand-bar. We dropped anchor a few yards off-shore.


 weigh anchor 【英语解释】lift the anchor so that a ship can start moving;

 pull a ship out of water 【中文解释】起锚,启航 The ship was weighing anchor to get away before the falling tide left her stranded. We weighed anchor in the afternoon and started for the Philippines.


 cast off 【英语解释】(of a boat or ship) be set free on the water by a rope being untied 【中文解释】(船只)解缆(出航)

 Don’t cast off the boat till everyone is on board. The order was given to cast off and soon the ship was moving away from the quay.


 change/ shift gears 【英语解释】make a change in speed and power by putting the engine of a vehicle into a different gear 【中文解释】换挡 Change gear at the bottom of the hill. Change into second gear as you approach the corner. He changed gears to make the car go up the hill fater.


 deadhead [AmE] 【英语解释】drive a train, bus or truck without passengers or goods 【中文解释】放空车 I’m going to deadhead home as soon as I unload these potatoes.


 ease out 【英语解释】(of a vehicle) slowly move forward into the traffic 【中文解释】(汽车)缓慢驶入车道,慢慢上路 Take your time, ease out slowly and ignore the cars waiting behind us.


 at/ behind the wheel 【英语解释】be driving 【中文解释】驾驭汽车,开车 When you are at the wheel, you should be very careful. Who was at the wheel when the car crashed? He was found drunk at the wheel of his lorry. An old Pontiac pulled up, with a young Mexican man at the wheel. Jim was glad to be behind the wheel again after his two-year ban.


 take the wheel 【英语解释】start to drive a car 【中文解释】接替…驾车 When we got halfway, Sarah took the wheel and I had a rest.


 nip in [BrE] 【英语解释】move quickly sideways in traffic or in a race 【中文解释】(在开车/赛跑时)从旁边迅速插进,抢道 I had to stop when another car nipped in a parking space in front of me.


 pit stop 【英语解释】the action of stopping in the pits during a car race to get more petrol or have repairs done 【中文解释】(汽车赛中的)加油/维修停车 We’ll make a pit stop in Butte to get something to eat and use the restrooms.


 pull ahead 【英语解释】get in front by moving faster 【中文解释】加快速度赶到…的前面,加速超越(车)

 The taxi soon pulled ahead of the bus.


 put to sea 【英语解释】start your journey 【中文解释】出海 We shall put to sea on the next high tide.


 under sail 【英语解释】

 【中文解释】扬帆;在航行中 The ship is under sail, make toward the land.


 drive off 【英语解释】(make a vehicle) leave 【中文解释】开走,驾车离开 Eddie ran out of the house, jumped into his car, and drove off. Someone had smashed into her car, and then just driven off. Adrian just had time to see his father jump into the truck and drive off in a cloud of dust.


 go into a nosedive;

 take a nosedive 【英语解释】(for an airplane) suddenly to dive toward the ground, nose first. 【中文解释】(飞机)朝地面垂直俯冲; It was a bad day for flying, and I was afraid we’d go into a nosedive. The small plane took a nosedive. The pilot was able to bring it out at the last minute, so the plane didn’t crash.

 We were all terrified when the pilot took the plane into a nosedive.


 go into a tailspin 【英语解释】(for an airplane) lose control and spin to the earth, nose first. 【中文解释】(飞机)失控后螺旋下降坠毁 The plane shook and then suddenly went into a tailspin. The pilot was not able to bring the plane out of the tailspin, and it crashed into the sea.


 peel off/ away 【英语解释】leave a moving group of vehicles, aircraft etc and go in a different direction 【中文解释】(车辆/飞机等)离队,离群,离开编队;离队飞向一边,转向一侧 The leading car in the motorcade peeled off to the right. The last two motorcycles peeled off from the convoy. They swept the field twice in a tight line of four and then peeled off to land at 5:20. The leading pair of planes peeled away, one to the right and one to the left.

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 乘搭交通工具 3.1

 go/ climb/ come aboard

 【英语解释】be on a ship, plane, or train 【中文解释】登上(飞机/船/火车)

 They finally went aboard the plane. Have the passengers gone on board yet? A group of men, some in military uniform, climbed aboard the plane. The ship’s crew saluted the President as he came aboard.


 all aboard! 【英语解释】the bus, boat, plane, etc is leaving soon 【中文解释】请大家上车/上飞机/ 上船等 All aboard, please! The ship is about to leave.


 welcome aboard! 【英语解释】used as a greeting to passengers or to a person joining a new organization, etc. 【中文解释】欢迎乘坐,欢迎各位搭乘本次航班,欢迎各位乘坐本船 Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! I’m captain David. Welcome aboard!


 pipe sb abroad 【英语解释】the bus, boat, etc is leaving soon 【中文解释】欢迎…上船


 on board 【英语解释】in or on a ship or public vehicle 【中文解释】在船上;在公共交通工具上 As soon as I’m on board I always feel sick. Is there a doctor on board? We have a sick passenger.

 When everyone is on board, we will leave. Let"s get on board.

 It was time to get on board the ship.


 hop a plane bus/train etc;

  hop on/in/into 【英语解释】get on a plane/bus/train, especially after suddenly deciding to do so


 So we hopped a bus to phoenix that night . Karl hopped on the first plane back to Germany. ‘Hop in,’ she hopped into a cab and told the driver to go to King’s Cross. ‘Why not hop in the car and come with us?’ Myrtle asked with a sly smile. Hop in and I’ll drive you to the station. We hopped onto the bus while it was still moving.



 【英语解释】get on a vehicle very quickly


 Jump a bus.


 get on 【英语解释】travel somewhere on a train, bus, etc

 【中文解释】(使)上(车/马/飞机/船等),搭乘 The plane wasn’t large enough to take all the people, and the travel agent couldn’t get them all on. A: How can I find the Tian"anmen square? B: You can get on the bus at the corner and get off at the second stop.


 let on 【英语解释】allow to get on (a vehicle) 【中文解释】允许…上(车/船)

 The conductor wouldn’t let me on (the bus) with this big parcel.


 stow away 【英语解释】hide on a ship or plane in order to travel secretly or without paying 【中文解释】(藏在车/船/飞机里)做揩油客,偷乘 With no money, his only hope of getting to New York was to stow away on the next ship. Customs officials discovered several illegal immigrants stowed away at the front of the ship. Having no money for the voyage, he succeeded in the end in stowing away on a passenger ship heading for England. At the age of 13, he stowed away in a cargo-boat bound for Africa. The boy was caught trying to stow away on a plane bound for India.


 get off;

  get out (of) 【英语解释】leave a vehicle at a particular place 【中文解释】(使…)下车,从车上下来 Excuse me, I have to get off at the next stop. Tell the driver you want to get off at Greene Street. Lennox got off the plane and made his way through customs. At the foot of the hill, she got off her bicycle and began to push it. Do you know where we’re supposed to get off? Most of the passengers got out at Oxford Circus. I told the bus driver that I wanted to get out at 72 nd


 The driver tried to get the passengers out before it was hit by the train, but there wasn’t time. She got out of the car and slammed the door. The farmer got out of his car to open the gate.


 let off 【英语解释】allow to leave (a vehicle) 【中文解释】允许下(车/船),让…下车;允许离开 The conductor wouldn’t let me off (the bus) until I’d paid the fare. This train stops to let off passengers on signal. Will we be let off the ship at the next port? Have the driver let you off at the intersection. The driver let Mary off the bus. “I can’t let you off at this corner,” said the driver.


 drop sb off 【英语解释】deliver sb to a place 【中文解释】(用汽车)顺路送,载…到,把…送到,途中顺便带人,让…在…下车;中途卸客/货 She usually drops the kids off on her way to work. Can you drop me (off) near the bank? Can you drop me off near the post office? You left your jacket, bat I can drop it off on my way to work tomorrow. My son Elijah asked me to drop him off at school on my way to work because it was raining. Where do you want me to drop you off? He offered to drop me off on his way through. A: Jim, could you drop me off at the airport? B: Of course. Tell me where to go. A: Could you drop me off at the Hilton Hotel?

 B: Sure. Just tell me the exact location.


 put sb off

 【英语解释】let sb leave a vehicle at a particular place 【中文解释】让…下车,停车卸客 I asked the bus driver to put me off at the station. I’ll put you off at the bottom of the street.


 draw up 【英语解释】(a vehicle) arrives somewhere and stop

 【中文解释】到达…停下 The taxi drew up at the gate. The cab drew up outside the house.


 set down [BrE] 【英语解释】stop a car, bus etc and allow sb to get out 【中文解释】将(火车/汽车/公开汽车/司机等)停下让(乘客)下车 The driver set her down at the station. Passengers may be set down and picked up only at the official stops. The bus sets the children down just outside the school gate. The bus set us down outside the post-office.


 put down [BrE] 【英语解释】allow to leave a vehicle 【中文解释】(停车)让…下车 You needn’t drive the car up to the house, just put me down here/at the gate.


 step down/ off 【英语解释】walk down (from a

 vehicle, etc) 【中文解释】走下(下车等)

 He stepped off the pavement, and was nearly knocked down by a taxi. He stepped down from the train onto the platform.


 all change! [BrE] 【英语解释】used as a noticing to passengers to go from one bus, train, etc to another in order to continue a journey 【中文解释】请旅客们换车,全部下车 All change! The train on platform 5 is not taking passengers. All change, all change! We’re stopping at Auburn station.


 pick up 【英语解释】allow sb to get into your vehicle and take them somewhere 【中文解释】(停下来让)让人乘车(船);搭载;接乘客 Don’t ever pick a stranger up when you’re out driving!

 I picked up a hitchhiker today, and we had a nice chat.

 The bus picks up passengers outside the airport. They were picked up by a fishing boat. It is an offence to pick up or set down a hitchhiker on a motorway. He also wanted me to pick him and his friend up if it was still raining after school. We picked up a hitchhiker. Do you want me to come back and pick you guys up? Nadia will pick you up at the airport. Can you pick some milk up from the shop on your way home? A: Pick me up at the Museum at 5:30. B: All right.


 do the school run [BrE] 【英语解释】drive children to school in the morning or home from school in the afternoon 【中文解释】父母开车接着孩子上下学 We hope to increase the safety of children who walk to school and cut the number of cars doing the school run.


 thumb a ride/ lift

 【英语解释】make a signal with your thumb to passing drivers to ask them to stop and take you somewhere 【中文解释】(竖起拇指)要求搭便车/过路汽车 Could I get a ride with you to the concert tonight? My car broke down on the highway, and I had to thumb a ride to get back to town. We managed to thumb a lift/ ride with a truck driver. Sometimes it’s dangerous to hitch a ride with a stranger.


 hitch a ride/ lift;

  hitch-hike 【英语解释】get a free ride in a person’s car; travel around in this way, by standing at the side of road and trying to get passing cars to stop;

  travel by asking drivers of passing cars for free rides 【中文解释】免费搭车(旅游),搭便车,搭顺风车 They hitchhiked around Europe. They hitched a ride/ lift in a truck. We tried to hitch a lift, but nobody stopped to pick us up. She hitched a lift on a truck. She hitched a ride into town.


 give sb a lift [BrE];

  give sb a ride [AmE];

 have/ get a lift 【英语解释】take sb somewhere in your car 【中文解释】让…搭自己的车,搭便车,免费搭车 Do you want a lift into a town? I’ll give you a lift to back to London. I’ll give you a lift to the station. The young woman hitchhiking on the highway looked nice, so Vince gave her a lift. Mrs. Jones gave Trudy a lift to school. Fred gave two hitchhikers a lift to the next town. Can you give me a lift part way? I’ll get a lift from Don. A: Your cousins just called. They’re stranded at the beach. B: So they didn’t manage to get a lift after all.

 A: Could I have a lift? B: Sure. Hop in. A: Could I have a lift? B: Where are you going? A man give me a ride back to New York. Steve gave me a ride on his motorbike. We managed to get a ride into town when we missed the bus. Could you give me a ride to the airport next Wednesday? I’d appreciate it. Could you give me a ride to the engineering building? I can give you a ride. I’m going home this weekend anyway. Do you think you could give me a ride to the library tonight? A: Is there a bus I can get to the station? B: There is. But you can’t rely on it. I’ll give you a ride if you can wait while I put these things away. I managed to get a free ride down to the station.


 thumb a lift [BrE];

 thumb a ride [AmE] 【英语解释】persuade a driver of a passing car to stop and take you somewhere, by putting your hand out with your thumb raised 【中文解释】(伸出手指并竖起拇指向过路的车)请求搭车 We managed to thumb a lift/ ride with a truck driver.


 stow away 【英语解释】hide on a ship or plane in order to travel secretly or without paying 【中文解释】无票偷乘(船/飞机等)

 At the age of 13 he had stowed away on a ship bound for Rio. The boy was caught trying to stow away on a plane bound for India.


 take on 【英语解释】(of a bus, plane or ship) allow sb/sth to enter 【中文解释】接纳(乘客),让…上车;装载 The bus stopped to take on more passengers. The ship took on more fuel at Freetown.


 wave down;

  flag down 【英语解释】signal to the driver of a car to stop by waving your arm at them 【中文解释】(对…)挥手示意停下/停车,挥手叫停,招手叫(司机/汽车)停车 I managed to flag down a passing car and ask for help. The patrolman stepped out in front of the truck to flag it down. After the accident, the passenger flagged down the nearest passing car and asked to be taken to a telephone. He waved down an approaching motorist to ask for help.


 check in 【英语解释】report your arrival at an airport 【中文解释】(在机场)办理登机手续 You must check in (at the airport ) an hour before your plane leaves. You need to check in one hour before the flight. Please check in at least an hour before departure. You must check in at the airport an hour before your plane leaves. It is always advisable to check in early to get a good seat on your flight. Check-in—n. (机场的)登机手续;登机手续办理处 The airline boasts superior service from reservations through check-in to baggage handling. Make sure you’re at the check-in by 6.00. The whole check-in process seems to take forever. Do you know your check-in time? The airline apologizes for long delays at check-ins today.


 in the saddle 【英语解释】be riding a horse 【中文解释】骑马,在马上

 They were weary after many hours in the saddle. After many hours in the saddle he was very weary. Three weeks after the accident he was back in the saddle.

  4 4

 航空器升空与着陆 4.1

 blast off

 blast-off (n.) 【英语解释】(of spacecraft) leave the ground; take off 【中文解释】发射,升空,起飞 The spaceship blasted off at 10.30, according to plan. The jet fighters blasted off from the deck of the aircraft carrier. The space shuttle is set to blast off on a nine-day mission tomorrow at 4:18 a.m. What time does the rocket blast off ? It won’t blast off today. It has been canceled. We waited in great anticipation for the ship to blast off.

 blastoff—n. takeoff (离地升空)


 lift off

 lift-off (n.) 【英语解释】(of a rocket or an aircraft) leave the ground and rise into the air 【中文解释】(使)发射;(使)升空;(使)起飞 Ten minutes to lift-off. There was a burst of flame as the rocket lifted off into the sky. Thousands of people had gathered at Cape Canaveral to watch the rocket lift off. This is Houston. We have lift-off.


 take off 【英语解释】(of an aircraft,) leave the ground and begin to fly 【中文解释】(飞机/航天器)起飞,升空 The plane took off an hour late. As the plane was taking off, I remembered I hadn’t turned the iron off. Several airplanes were waiting to take off because of the busy holiday weekend. The plane-touched down gently on the runway and taxied to the terminal. Children spent hours watching the planes take off and land. This is your Captain speaking. We are due to take off in five minutes. Planes were unable to take off from Gatwick owing to high winds.

 Some ducks took off and flew along the river. We had to wait on the runway for half an hour before we finally took off. The president’s plane took off from Andrews Air Force Base at 9:45 am. take-off----n. 起飞,升空 The plane is ready for take-off. Seat-belts must remain fastened until after takeoff. On take-off the pilot banked the plane to the left and headed west toward Tokyo. The takeoff and landing were a little rough, but the rest of the flight was very smooth.


 bring down 【英语解释】land an aircraft 【中文解释】使(飞机)着陆,降落 The pilot managed to bring the plane down in a field. He brought the Cessna down in a hay-meadow by the river. The pil...


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